Saturday, March 5, 2011

Do you think we should give monetary incentives to KP2 student to motivate them to get better grades?


This is my answer for the question above. I don’t think that we should give monetary incentives to KP2 student even though it seem like can be done to motivate them to get better grades. Why should we give monetary incentives?
 In addition, while we give monetary incentives they also do not get result the best as we want. So that, when we still give the monetary incentives, they will become lazier as they thought that they still can get the monetary incentives.

For this kind of student, stop gives them the monetary incentives are the best way in order to motivate them to get better grades. 
So that they can improve their study skill and does not just enjoy by using monetary incentives. 
But after they get a good result, we should give back their monetary incentives so that they will not become down as they already get a good result but their monetary incentive still stop. 
As a conclusion, we shouldn’t give monetary incentives to KP2 students.


Renjyo said...

totally agree...=)