Saturday, March 5, 2011

Great leader are not born, they are made…

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” ~ Dr. John C. Maxwell

Great leader are not born, they are made…

This statement above is about leadership. Leadership is defined as "working with and through others to achieve objectives"

To be a great leader, that is not by naturally. They are needed to be made. A great leader needs a good attitude, a lot of knowledge and high education.

Great leader need a good attitude and behavior. He must know how to respect people. Whether people in high level or low level. Leadership is all about people, and getting the most out of people.

Great leader must have a lot of knowledge. For example, he must know how to reward those who succeed and know when to retrain, move, or fire ineffective staff.

Great leader also must have higher education. He should learn from the past. He must learned from the experience 


nadya'acob said...

anyone can become a leader. to be great,practice make ;)

F a r a h @ I z w a n said...

I should try hard to become a great leader too!

Cik Mun n Cik Yah said...

yeah, anyone could be a leader. :)